Avenue One, the electrifying DJ duo, is the brainchild of two extraordinary talents, Matt Cerf and Petr Leško. With roots in Montreal, Canada, and Zlin, Czech Republic, they joined forces in 2012, driven by a shared love for music. Both members have deep-seated connections to the electronic music world. In July 2022, Avenue One made a triumphant debut on Anjunabeats with the mesmerizing "Upstairs Terrace," a track that resonated with audiences worldwide, thanks to its inclusion in the Anjunabeats Volume 16 compilation mixed by Above & Beyond. Their 2022 album, "Outside My Door," marked a return to the scene after a hiatus, featuring standout tracks like "Rupture" and "Explorer." Continuing their journey in 2023, they unveiled "Sky Falls" on Anjunabeats and the captivating "Uprising" on Colorize. With their innovative sound and a profound bond with fans, Avenue One is poised for a lasting impact in the electronic music domain, promising a vibrant future filled with fresh beats and musical adventures. Was an incredible year for Avenue One! So many new friends, so many great events, and so much new music out! It's time for our final 2023 release! Our Night Mix of Tep No's The Last Ones Standing is here! Thank you everyone! ➥ Single https://bitly.ws/382M5 ➥ https://www.facebook.com/avenueonemusic/
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